WHAT’S NEW: Come see me in my return to 54 Below on 9/8!

54 Below: https://54below.my.salesforce-sites.com/ticket/#/instances/a0FUY0000020lc52AA

Welcome! Here’s some things to know about my life!: I was born and raised in the Bronx. I started singing before I could even speak full sentences! Eventually, I fell in love with performing on stage. My parents were so supportive by coming to every single performance and making sure I ended up at the right school for me.

Curt Mills, my father, was my best friend and #1 fan. Since his devastating passing in 2019, much of my work has been heavily inspired and dedicated to my dad’s love. Graduating with honors from SUNY Fredonia has meant a great deal to me in my wish of making my father proud.
Since graduation, I have moved back to the Bronx, made my 54 Below debut, and was a guest artist in The Wizard of Oz as the Wicked Witch! My “survival jobs” include being a nanny and a production assistant for a community theatre company.